Browse Collections (33 total) Sort by: Title Date Added / 2 pages Vitae passionis et mortis Jesu Christ Thesaurus sacrarum historiarum veteris testamenti, elegantissimis imaginabus expressum excellentissimorum in hac arte virorum opera: nunc primum in lucem editus Thesaurus Novi Testamenti elegantissimis iconibus expressus continens historias atque miracula do[mi] ni nostri Iesu Christi The Whole Law of God as it is Delivered in ye Fiue Bookes of Moses methodically distributed into Three Greate Classes Morall, Ceremoniall, Politicall. The Triumphs of Petrarch The Sibyls The Four Evangelists The Four Continents The Apostles Creed The Actions, Doctrine and other Passages touching our Lord & Saviour JHS XRS as they are related by ye Foure Evangelists. The ACTIONS & DOCTRINE & Other Passages touching Our Lord and Savior IESUS Christ, as they are Related by the FOURE EvANGELISTS Speculum Illustratum Virginum Six Christian Virtues Salus Generis Humani Repentant Sinners from the Old and New Testament Parabolarum Evagelicaru Typi Parable of the Prodigal Son Parable of the Good Shepherd Miscellaneous Prints in the Little Gidding Harmonies Memorabilium, Novi Testamenti, in templo gestorum icones tredecim elegantissimi ac ornatissimi / 2 pages