Thesaurus Novi Testamenti elegantissimis iconibus expressus continens historias atque miracula do[mi] ni nostri Iesu Christi Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title Thesaurus Novi Testamenti elegantissimis iconibus expressus continens historias atque miracula do[mi] ni nostri Iesu Christi Collection: Thesaurus Novi Testamenti elegantissimis iconibus expressus continens historias atque miracula do[mi] ni nostri Iesu Christi Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 7 pages St Paul and Barnabas at Lystra 1580 (circa) St Paul escaping Damascus 1580 (circa) St Peter released from prison 1580 (circa) St Paul imprisoned at Philippi 1580 (circa) St Paul's sight restored by Ananias 1580 (circa) St Peter and his vision 1580 (circa) St Philip baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch 1580 (circa) Conversion of St Paul 1580 (circa) Death of Ananias and Sapphira 1580 (circa) St Stephen before the Sanhedrin and the stoning of St Stephen 1580 (circa) Pentecost 1580 (circa) St John and St Peter healing the cripple 1580 (circa) St Matthias seen at centre, holding an axe 1580 (circa) St Paul seen at centre, holding a sword with one hand and an open book with the other 1580 (circa) St Simon seen at centre, holding a saw with one hand and an open book with the other 1580 (circa) St Jude Thaddeus seen from behind, at centre, holding a club with one hand and a book with the other 1580 (circa) St Bartholomew seen at centre, holding a knife with one hand and a book with the other 1580 (circa) St Matthew seen at centre, holding a sword 1580 (circa) St James the Less seen at centre, looking right, reading a book and leaning on a large club 1580 (circa) St Philip seen at centre, looking right, holding a crucifix 1580 (circa)