Browse Items (1097 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 110 pages A booke named Tectonicon, briefly shewing the exact measuring, and spedie reckoning all maner of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes, &c. Further, declaring the perfect making and large vse of the carpenters ruler, conteining a quadrant geometricall: comprehending also the rare vse of the squire. And in the end a little treatise adioyning, opening the composition and appliancie of an instrument, called the profitable staffe. With other things pleasant and necessarie, most conducible for surueyers, landmeaters, ioyners, carpenters, and masons. Published by Leonard Digges Gentleman, in the yeare of our Lord, 1556. Leonard Digges The child-birth or womans lecture. That is: A lecture vpon Chap. 1. ver. 57, 58. of the holie Gospell according to Luke; very necessarie to bee read and knowne of all young married and teeming women, and not vnprofitable for men of all sortes. By. Chr. H. Christopher Hooke The arraignment and conuiction of vsurie. That is, the iniquitie, and vnlawfulnes of vsurie, displayed in sixe sermons, preached at Saint Edmunds Burie in Suffolke, vpon Prouerb. 28.8. By Miles Mosse, minister of the worde, and Bacheler of Diuinitie. Seene and allowed by authoritie. The especiall contents of this booke, are declared in the page next before the treatise it selfe. Reade all, or censure none. Miles Mosse Babilon, a part of the Seconde vveeke of Guillaume de Saluste seigneur du Bartas, with the commentarie, and marginall notes of S. G. S. Englished by William L'Isle. Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas The letters pattents of the Kings declaration for the referring of the generall assemblie of the princes, cardinals, dukes and peeres, as well ecclesiasticall as temporall, the officers of the crowne, the lords, gentlemen, officers and others, vnto the 15. day of March next comming. Also to reclaime his subiects and rebellious townes to his obedience. Published in the Parliament of Caen the 22. of of [sic] December. 1589. Faithfullie translated out of the French copie printed at Caen. An herbal for the Bible. Containing a plaine and familiar exposition of such similitudes, parables, and metaphors, both in the olde Testament and the newe, as are borrowed and taken from herbs, plants, trees, fruits and simples, by obseruation of their vertues, qualities, natures, properties, operations, and effects: and by the holie prophets, sacred writers, Christ himselfe, and his blessed Apostles vsually alledged, and into their heauenly oracles, for the better beautifieng and plainer opening of the same, profitably inserted. Drawen into English by Thomas Newton. Levinus Lemnius Matthæi Sutliuii De vera Christi Ecclesia aduersus Rob. Bellarminum, aliósque sectæ Iebusiticæ sodales, eorúmq[ue] errores & hæreses, liber vnus. Matthew Sutcliffe Principum, ac illustrium aliquot & eruditorum in Anglia virorum, encomia, trophæa, genethliaca, & epithalamia. A Ioanne Lelando antiquario conscripta, nunc primùm in lucem edita. Quibus etiam adiuncta sunt, illustrissimorum aliquot herôum, hodiè viuentium, aliorúmq[ue] hinc indè Anglorum, encomia et eulogia: à Thoma Newtono, Cestreshyrio, succisiuis horulis exarata. John Leland Principum, ac illustrium aliquot & eruditorum in Anglia virorum, encomia, trophæa, genethliaca, & epithalamia. A Ioanne Lelando antiquario conscripta, nunc primùm in lucem edita. Quibus etiam adiuncta sunt, illustrissimorum aliquot herôum, hodiè viuentium, aliorúmq[ue] hinc indè Anglorum, encomia et eulogia: à Thoma Newtono, Cestreshyrio, succisiuis horulis exarata. John Leland B. Ion: his part of King Iames his royall and magnificent entertainement through his honorable cittie of London, Thurseday the 15. of March. 1603. So much as was presented in the first and last of their triumphall arch's. With his speach made to the last presentation, in the Strand, erected by the inhabitants of the Dutchy, and Westminster. Also, a briefe panegyre of his Maiesties first and well auspicated entrance to his high Court of Parliament, on Monday, the 19. of the same moneth. With other additions. Ben Jonson Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 110 pages Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2