Browse Items (1097 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 110 pages Severall informations and examinations taken concerning Lieutenant Colonell Iohn Lilburn, shewing his apostacy to the party of Charles Stuart: and what his intentions are in coming over into England out of Flanders. [Untitled] [Untitled] The plain Christians guide: or a key to the New Testament, unfolding and explaining the contents of each book in the order where in they lye. By way of question and answer. A work useful for all families (especially) young persons. Reflections upon the opinions of some modern divines, concerning the nature of government in general, and that of England in particular. With an appendix containing the seventy fifth canon of the fourth council of Toledo, and some famous charters of King John, in Latin and Old French, relating to this matter, now Englished. [Untitled] [Untitled] Histoire des troubles de Hongrie. Avec le siege de Neuheusei, & une relation exacte du combat de Gran, &c. Enrichie de figures. Avec le journal de la glorieuse conqueste de la ville de Bude, capitale du Royaume d'Hongrie, par les armes victorieuses, de l'Empereur Leopold I. Sous la conduite de Son Altesse Seren. le Duc de Lorraine, & de l'Electuer de Baviere. Contenant Aussi l'histoire de l'etat present du Royaume de la Hongrie. [Untitled] The gentleman's journal for the war. Being an historical account and geographical description of several strong cities, towns and ports of Europe. With authentick draughts of the fortifications of every plate, made by order of the French King, for the life of the Duke of Burgundy; engraven on copper-plates: together with an explication of the terms of art used in fortification. Part III. Containing a description and draughts of the ensuing cities and towns, viz. Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 110 pages Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2