The gentleman's journal for the war. Being an historical account and geographical description of several strong cities, towns and ports of Europe. With authentick draughts of the fortifications of every plate, made by order of the French King, for the life of the Duke of Burgundy; engraven on copper-plates: together with an explication of the terms of art used in fortification. Part III. Containing a description and draughts of the ensuing cities and towns, viz.
Dublin Core
The gentleman's journal for the war. Being an historical account and geographical description of several strong cities, towns and ports of Europe. With authentick draughts of the fortifications of every plate, made by order of the French King, for the life of the Duke of Burgundy; engraven on copper-plates: together with an explication of the terms of art used in fortification. Part III. Containing a description and draughts of the ensuing cities and towns, viz.
Thomas Chapman, Richard Parker, R. Taylor, Abel Swalle, Timothy Childe
“The gentleman's journal for the war. Being an historical account and geographical description of several strong cities, towns and ports of Europe. With authentick draughts of the fortifications of every plate, made by order of the French King, for the life of the Duke of Burgundy; engraven on copper-plates: together with an explication of the terms of art used in fortification. Part III. Containing a description and draughts of the ensuing cities and towns, viz.,” John Bagford's Albums of Fragments, accessed November 25, 2024,