An astronomicall description of the late comet from the 18. of
Nouemb. 1618. to the 16. of December following. With certaine morall
prognosticks or applications drawne from the comets motion and irradiation
amongst the celestiall hieroglyphicks. By vigilant and diligent
obseruations of Iohn Bainbridge Doctor of Physicke, and louer of the
Dublin Core
An astronomicall description of the late comet from the 18. of
Nouemb. 1618. to the 16. of December following. With certaine morall
prognosticks or applications drawne from the comets motion and irradiation
amongst the celestiall hieroglyphicks. By vigilant and diligent
obseruations of Iohn Bainbridge Doctor of Physicke, and louer of the
Nouemb. 1618. to the 16. of December following. With certaine morall
prognosticks or applications drawne from the comets motion and irradiation
amongst the celestiall hieroglyphicks. By vigilant and diligent
obseruations of Iohn Bainbridge Doctor of Physicke, and louer of the
John Bainbridge
STC (2nd ed.) 1208
Edward Griffin, Iohn Parker
John Bainbridge, “An astronomicall description of the late comet from the 18. of
Nouemb. 1618. to the 16. of December following. With certaine morall
prognosticks or applications drawne from the comets motion and irradiation
amongst the celestiall hieroglyphicks. By vigilant and diligent
obseruations of Iohn Bainbridge Doctor of Physicke, and louer of the
mathematicks.,” John Bagford's Albums of Fragments, accessed November 25, 2024,
Nouemb. 1618. to the 16. of December following. With certaine morall
prognosticks or applications drawne from the comets motion and irradiation
amongst the celestiall hieroglyphicks. By vigilant and diligent
obseruations of Iohn Bainbridge Doctor of Physicke, and louer of the
mathematicks.,” John Bagford's Albums of Fragments, accessed November 25, 2024,