An answer to the two first and principall treatises of a certeine factious libell, put foorth latelie, without name of author or printer, and without approbation by authoritie, vnder the title of An abstract of certeine acts of Parlement: of certeine hir Maiesties iniunctions: of certeine canons, &c. Published by authoritie.
Dublin Core
An answer to the two first and principall treatises of a certeine factious libell, put foorth latelie, without name of author or printer, and without approbation by authoritie, vnder the title of An abstract of certeine acts of Parlement: of certeine hir Maiesties iniunctions: of certeine canons, &c. Published by authoritie.
Richard Cosin
STC (2nd ed.) 5819.5
Henry Denham, Thomas Chard
Richard Cosin, “An answer to the two first and principall treatises of a certeine factious libell, put foorth latelie, without name of author or printer, and without approbation by authoritie, vnder the title of An abstract of certeine acts of Parlement: of certeine hir Maiesties iniunctions: of certeine canons, &c. Published by authoritie.,” John Bagford's Albums of Fragments, accessed November 25, 2024,