Browse Items (1097 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 110 pages M. Tvllii Ciceronis Opera omnia qvæ extant, a Dionysio Lambino Monstroliensi ex codicibus manuscriptis emendata, & aucta: quorum ordinem & numerum, pagine prefationem proximè sequentes indicabunt. Eivsdem D. Lambini annotationes, seu emendationum rationes singulis tomis distinctæ, & ab eodem Lambino post superiorem editionem duplo ampliùs auctæ. Fragmenta omnia qvæ extant, a viris doctis vndique collecta, suis quæque locis posita, eáque ab eodem Lambino & aucta, & emendata. M. Tullius Cicero Obseruations vpon Cæsars Commentaries setting forth the practise of ye art militarie in the time of the Romaine Empire for the better direction of our moderne warrs By Clement Edmonds Remembrancer of the Citie of London. Clement Edmondes [Untitled] [Untitled] Catholique traditions. Or A treatise of the beliefe of the Christians of Asia, Europa, and Africa, in the principall controuersies of our time. In fauour of the louers of the catholicke trueth, and the peace of the Church. Written in French by Th. A.I.C. and translated int English, by L.O. Morton Eudes Great Brittans little calendar: or, Triple diarie, in remembrance of three daies. Diuided into three treatises. 1. Britanniæ vota: or God saue the King: for the 24. day of March, the day of his Maiesties happy proclamation. 2. Cæsaris hostes: or, the tragedy of traytors: for the fift of August: the day of the bloudy Gowries treason, and of his Highnes blessed preseruation. 3. Amphitheatrum scelerum: or, the transcendent of treason: the day of a most admirable deliuerance of our King, Queene, Prince, royall progeny, the spirituall and temporall peeres and pillars of the Church and State, together with the Honorable assembly of the representatiue body of the Kingdom in generall, from that most horrible and hellish proiect of the Gun-Powder Treason Nouemb. 5. Whereunto is annexed a short disswasiue from poperie. By Samuel Garey, preacher of Gods Word at Wynfarthing in Norff. Samuel Garey Pvrchas his pilgrimes. In five bookes. The first, contayning the voyages and peregrinations made by ancient kings, patriarkes, apostles, philosophers, and others, to and thorow the remoter parts of the knowne world: enquiries also of languages and religions, especially of the moderne diuersified professions of Christianitie. The second, a description of all the circum-nauigations of the globe. The third, nauigations and voyages of English-men, alongst the coasts of Africa, to the Cape of Good Hope, and from thence to the Red Sea, the Abassine, Arabian, Persian, INdian, shoares, continents, and islands. The fourth, English voyages beyond the East Indies, to the ilands [sic] of Iapan, China, Cauchinchina, the Philippinæ with others, and the Indian nauigations further prosecuted; their iust commerce, nobly vindicated against Turkish treacherie; victoriously defended against Portugall hostilitie; gloriously aduanced against Moorish and ethnike perfidie; hopefully recouering from Dutch malignitie; iustly maintayned against ignorant and malicious calumnie. The fifth, nauigations, voyages, traffiques, discoueries, of the English nation in the easterne parts of the world: continuing the English-Indian occurrents, and contayning the English affaires with the great Samorine, in the Persian and Arabian gulfes, and in other places of the continent, and ilands of and beyond the Indies: the Protugall attempts, and Dutch disasters, diuers sea-fights with both; and many other remarkable relations. ... . Samuel Purchas Vertumnus siue Annus recurrens Oxonii, XXIX Augusti, anno. 1605. Coram Iacobo Rege, Henrico Principe proceribus. A Ioannensibus in scena recitatus ab vno scriptus, phrasi comica prope tragicis senariis. Matthew Gwinne [Untitled] A brotherly persvvasion to vnitie, and vniformitie in iudgement, and practise touching the receiued, and present ecclesiasticall gouernment, and the authorised rites and ceremonies of the Church of England. VVritten by Thomas Sparke Doctor in Diuinitie. And seene, allowed, and commended by publike authoritie to be printed. Thomas Sparke Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 110 pages Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2