Browse Items (1097 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 110 pages Anglorum prælia ab anno Domini. 1327. anno nimirùm primo inclytissimi principis Eduardi eius nominis tertij, vsque ad annu[m] Domini. 1558. carmine summatim perstricta. Item. De pacatissimo Angliæ statu, imperante Elizabetha, compendiosa narratio. Authore Christophoro Oclando primó Scholæ Southwarkiensis propè Londinum, deìn Cheltennamensis, quæ sunt à serenissima sua Maiestate fundatæ, moderatore. Hæc duo poëmata, tàm ob argumenti grauitatem quàm carminis facilitatem, nobilissimi Regiæ Maiestatis consiliarij in omnibus huius regni scholis prælegenda pueris præscripserunt. Hijs Alexandri Neuilli Kettum: tùm propter argumenti similitudinem, tùm propter orationis elegantiam adiunximus. Christopher Ocland Anglorum prælia ab anno Domini. 1327. anno nimirùm primo inclytissimi principis Eduardi eius nominis tertij, vsque ad annu[m] Domini. 1558. carmine summatim perstricta. Item. De pacatissimo Angliæ statu, imperante Elizabetha, compendiosa narratio. Authore Christophoro Oclando primó Scholæ Southwarkiensis propè Londinum, deìn Cheltennamensis, quæ sunt à serenissima sua Maiestate fundatæ, moderatore. Hæc duo poëmata, tàm ob argumenti grauitatem quàm carminis facilitatem, nobilissimi Regiæ Maiestatis consiliarij in omnibus huius regni scholis prælegenda pueris præscripserunt. Hijs Alexandri Neuilli Kettum: tùm propter argumenti similitudinem, tùm propter orationis elegantiam adiunximus. Christopher Ocland Anglorum prælia ab anno Domini. 1327. anno nimirùm primo inclytissimi principis Eduardi eius nominis tertij, vsque ad annu[m] Domini. 1558. carmine summatim perstricta. Item. De pacatissimo Angliæ statu, imperante Elizabetha, compendiosa narratio. Authore Christophoro Oclando primó Scholæ Southwarkiensis propè Londinum, deìn Cheltennamensis, quæ sunt à serenissima sua Maiestate fundatæ, moderatore. Hæc duo poëmata, tàm ob argumenti grauitatem quàm carminis facilitatem, nobilissimi Regiæ Maiestatis consiliarij in omnibus huius regni scholis prælegenda pueris præscripserunt. Hijs Alexandri Neuilli Kettum: tùm propter argumenti similitudinem, tùm propter orationis elegantiam adiunximus. Christopher Ocland Disce mori. Learne to die. A religious discourse mouing euery Christian man to enter into a serious remembrance of his ende. Wherein also is contained the meane and manner of disposing himselfe to God, before and at the time of his departure. In the whole, somewhat happily may be obserued, necessarie to be thought vpon while we are aliue, and when we are dying to aduise our selues and others. Christopher Sutton The French schoole-master. VVherin is most plainly shewed the true and perfect way of pronouncing the French tongue, to the furtherance of all those who would gladly learne it. First collected by Mr. C. H. and now newly corrected, amended, and much inlarged with severall quaint proverbes, and other necessary rules, by James Giffard professor of the said tongue. Claudius Hollyband The French schoole-master. Wherein is most plainely shewed the true and perfect way of pronouncing the French tongue, to the furtherance of all those which would gladly learne it. First collected by Mr. C. H. and now newly corrected and amended by Iames Giffard, professo of the said tongue. Claudius Hollyband Obseruations vpon Cæsars Commentaries setting forth the practise of ye art militarie in the time of the Romaine Empire for the better direction of our moderne warrs By Clement Edmonds Remembrancer of the Citie of London. Clement Edmondes The safegard of saylers, or, great rutter: containing the courses, distances, deapths, soundings, flouds, and ebbes, with the markes for the entring of sundry harboroughs both of England, France, Spaine, Ireland, Flaunders, and the sounds of Denmarke, with other necessarie rules of common nauigation. Translated out of Dutch into English, by Robert Norman hydrogropher [sic]. Cornelius Antoniszoon The safegard of saylers, or, great rutter: containing the courses, distances, deapths, soundings, flouds, and ebbes, with the markes for the entring of sundry harboroughs both of England, France, Spaine, Ireland, Flaunders, and the sounds of Denmarke, with other necessarie rules of common nauigation. Translated out of Dutch into English, by Robert Norman hydrogropher [sic]. Cornelius Antoniszoon Deuout contemplations expressed in two and fortie sermons vpon all ye quadragesimall Gospells written in Spanish by Fr. Ch. de Fonseca Englished by. I. M. of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford. Cristóbal de Fonseca Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 110 pages Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2