Browse Items (1097 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 110 pages [Untitled] [Untitled] [Untitled] [Untitled] Theatrum botanicum: The theater of plants. Or, An herball of a large extent: containing therein a more ample and exact history and declaration of the physicall herbs and plants that are in other authours, encreased by the accesse of many hundreds of new, rare, and strange plants from all the parts of the world, with sundry gummes, and other physicall materials, than hath beene hitherto published by any before; and a most large demonstration of their natures and vertues. Shevving vvithall the many errors, differences, and oversights of sundry authors that have formerly written of them; and a certaine confidence, or most probable conjecture of the true and genuine herbes and plants. Distributed into sundry classes or tribes, for the more easie knowledge of the many herbes of one nature and property, with the chiefe notes of Dr. Lobel, Dr. Bonham, and others inserted therein. Collected by the many yeares travaile, industry, and experience in this subject, by Iohn Parkinson apothecary of London, and the Kings herbarist. And published by the Kings Majestyes especiall priviledge. [Untitled] [Untitled] [Untitled] Remonstrances made by the Kings Maiesties ambassadour, vnto the French King and the queene his mother, Iune last past, 1615. Concerning the marriages with Spaine; as also certayne diabolicall opinions maintayned by Cardinall Perron, about the deposing and murthering of kings. Together with the French Kings letter to the Prince of Conde, dated the 26. of Iuly last, 1615. and the Prince his answere thereunto. Translated according to the French copie. A trve discovery of those treasons of which Geilis Van Ledenberch was a practiser against the Generall States of the vnited Netherland Prouinces ; Through the aduise, and assistance of Iohn van Olden Barneuelt. And for which ( after arraignment, sentence, and iudgement ) execution was done on the dead body of the said Ledenberch, after he had most inhumanly murthered himselfe, through the guiltines, and horror of his conscience. As also a copie of Barneuelts last letter to his wife, and children. Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 110 pages Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2