Browse Items (1097 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 110 pages A treatise on the First Psalme. By Mathew Stonham. Minister and preacher in the cittie of Norwich. Mathew. Stoneham A trial of the Romish clergies title to the Church: by way of answer to a popish pamphlet written by one A.D. and entituled A treatise of faith, wherein is briefly and plainly shewed a direct way, by which euery man may resolue and settle his mind in all doubts, question and controuersies, concerning matters of faith. By Antonie Wotton. In the end you haue three tables: one of the texts of Scripture expounded or alledged in this booke: another of the testimonies of ancient and later writers, with a chronologie of the times in which they liued: a third of the chief matters contained in the treatise and answer. Anthony Wotton A triple antidote, against certaine very common scandals of this time, which, like infections and epidemicall diseases, haue generally annoyed most sorts of people amongst vs, poisoned also not a few, and diuers waies plagued and afflicted the whole state. By Iohn Tichborne, Doctor of Diuinity, and sometimes fellow of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge. John Tichborne A true relation of the birth of three monsters in the city of Namen in Flanders: as also Gods iudgement vpon an vnnaturall sister of the poore womans, mother of these obortiue children, whose house was consumed with fire from heauen, and her selfe swallowed into the earth. All which hapned the 16. of December last. 1608. A trve discovery of those treasons of which Geilis Van Ledenberch was a practiser against the Generall States of the vnited Netherland Prouinces ; Through the aduise, and assistance of Iohn van Olden Barneuelt. And for which ( after arraignment, sentence, and iudgement ) execution was done on the dead body of the said Ledenberch, after he had most inhumanly murthered himselfe, through the guiltines, and horror of his conscience. As also a copie of Barneuelts last letter to his wife, and children. A trve report of the gainefull, prosperous and speedy voiage to Iaua in the East Indies, performed by a fleete of eight ships of Amsterdam: which set forth from Texell in Holland, the first of Maie 1598. Stilo Nouo. Whereof foure returned againe the 19. of Iuly anno 1599 in lesse then 15. moneths, the other foure went forward from Iaua for the Moluccas. A very godly and learned exposition, vpon the whole Booke of Psalmes. Wherein is contained the diuision and sense of euery Psalme: as also manifold, necessary and sound doctrines, gathered out of the same, all seruing for the great furtherance and instruction of euery Christian reader. Heretofore penned and written, and now dilige[n]tly and faithfully reuiued by the author (who hath added many worthy things therto) and newly published at the no smal cost of the printer, for the glory of God, and the good of the Church. Thomas Wilcox A view of the dissertation upon the epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, &c. Lately publish'd by the Reverend Dr. Bentley. Also of the examination of that dissertation by the Honourable Mr. Boyle. In order to the manifesting the incertitude of heathen chronology. John Milner A vindication of the Army-remonstrance, vvhile they act sutable to those things therein remonstrated: being a brief and moderate answer to Mr. Sedgwicks book, intituled, Justice upon the Army-remonstrance. By T. Collier. Thomas Collier A vvatch-vvord to the city of London, and the Armie: wherein you may see that Englands freedome, which should be the result of all our victories, is sinking deeper under the Norman power, as appears by the relation of the unrighteous proceedings of Kingstone-Court agains some of the Diggers at George-hill, under colour of law; but yet thereby the cause of the Diggers is more brightened and strengthened: so that every one singly may truly say what his freedome is, and where it lies. By Gerrard Winstanley. Gerrard Winstanley Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 110 pages Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2