MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages A book of engines and traps to take polcats, buzardes, rattes, mice, and all other kindes of vermine and beasts whatsoeuer, most profitable for all warriners, and such as delight in this kinde of sport and pastime. A booke named Tectonicon, briefly shewing the exact measuring, and spedie reckoning all maner of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes, &c. Further, declaring the perfect making and large vse of the carpenters ruler, conteining a quadrant geometricall: comprehending also the rare vse of the squire. And in the end a little treatise adioyning, opening the composition and appliancie of an instrument, called the profitable staffe. With other things pleasant and necessarie, most conducible for surueyers, landmeaters, ioyners, carpenters, and masons. Published by Leonard Digges Gentleman, in the yeare of our Lord, 1556. Leonard Digges A booke of grammar questions, |b for the helpe of yong scholars, to further them in the vnderstanding of the accidence, and of Lillies verses, diuided into three parts. Now the third time imprinted, corrected and somewhat amended, set forth for the ease of schoole-masters, and young scholers. By Iohn Leech. Hereunto are annexed foure little colloquies or dialogues in Latine, wherein they shall haue a praxis of all the most necessary rules of construction: every one of them verbally translated for the helpe of young scholers. John Leech A booke of grammar qvestions, for the helpe of yong scholers, to further them in the vnderstanding of the Accidence, and of Lillies verses, diuided into three parts. John Leech A brief vindication of three passages in the Practical catechisme, from the censures affixt on them by the ministers of London, in a book entitled, A testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ, &c. By H. Hammond D.D. Henry Hammond A briefe and piththie [sic] some of the christian faith made in forme of a confession, vvith a confutacion of all such superstitious errours, as are contrary therevnto. Made by Theodore de Beza. Translated out of Frenche by R. F. Théodore de Bèze A briefe and pleasant discourse of duties in mariage, called the flower of friendship Edmund Tilney A briefe ansvver vnto certaine reasons by way of an apologie deliuered to the Right Reuerend Father in God, the L. Bishop of Lincolne, by Mr. Iohn Burges: wherin he laboureth to prooue, that hauing heretofore subscribed foure times, and now refusing (as a thing vnlawfull that he hath notwithstanding done lawfully in both. Written by VVilliam Couell, Doctor in Diuinitie. William Covell A briefe conference of diuers lawes: diuided into certaine regiments. By Lodowick LLoyd Esquier, one of her Maiesties serieants at armes. Lodowick Lloyd A briefe conference, betwixt mans frailtie and faith. Wherein is declared the true vse, and comfort of those blessings pronounced by Christ in the fift of Mathew, that euery Christian man and woman ought to make and take hold of in theyr seuerall tentations and conflicts VVith a new addition of some comfort against the death of friends, together with a direction to other strength against other our frailties, noted in the booke vpon the Lords Prayer. Laid downe in this plaine order of dialogue, to helpe, if it please God, the conceit and feeling of the simplest. By Geruase Babington. Gervase Babington