MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages A plaine and familiar exposition of the ninth and tenth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon. John Dod Nomo-lexikon: A law-dictionary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws. With references to the several statutes, records, registers, law-books, charters, ancient deeds, and manuscripts, wherein the words are used: and etymologies, where they properly occur. The second edition, with some corrections, and the addition of above six hundred words. By Tho. Blount late of the Inner-Temple, Esq; Thomas Blount [Untitled] The historie of twelue Cæsars emperors of Rome. Written in Latine by C. Suetonius Tranquillus: and newly translated into English by Philemon Holland Doctor in Phisick. Together with a marginall glosse and other briefe anotations therevpon. Suetonius A sermon preached in the cathedrall church of Yorke, against popish transubstantiation, and their communion vnder one kinde, the first Sunday in Lent, Ann. Dom. 1607. By Thomas Dodson, Maister of artes. Thomas Dodson Five bookes, of philosophicall comfort, full of Christian consolation, written a 1000. yeeres since. By Anitius, Manlius, Torquatus, Seuerinus, Boetius; a Christian consul of Rome. Newly translated out of Latine, together with marginall notes, explaining the obscurest places. Boethius Tithes examined and proued to be due to the clergie by a diuine right. The contents heereof is set downe in the page next following. Written by George Carleton. George Carleton Catechismus, siue prima institutio, disciplinaq́ue [sic] pietatis Christianæ, Latinè explicata. Alexander Nowell [Untitled] Musica sacra: to sixe voices. Composed in the Italian tongue. By Giouanni Croce. Newly Englished. Giovanni Croce