MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages [Untitled] [Untitled] [Untitled] The lives of the Othoman kings and emperors: faithfvlly gathered ovt of the best histories, both antient and moderne, and digested into one continuat historie by Richard Knolles. Richard Knolles [Untitled] The second part of the demoniacke vvorlde, or worlde possessed with diuels, conteining three dialogues: 1. Of familiar diuels. 2. Of lunaticke diuels. 3. Of the coniuring of diuels. Translated out of French into English by T.S. Gentleman. Pierre Viret [Untitled] [Untitled] [Untitled] Aristotles politiques, or Discourses of gouernment. Translated out of Greeke into French, with expositions taken out of the best authours, specially out of Aristotle himselfe, and out of Plato, conferred together where occasion of matter treated of by them both doth offer it selfe: the obseruations and reasons whereof are illustrated and confirmed by innumerable examples, both old and new, gathered out of the most renowmed empires, kingdomes, seignories, and commonweals that euer haue bene, and wherof the knowledge could be had in writing, or by faythfull report, concerning the beginning, proceeding, and excellencie of ciuile gouernment. By Loys Le Roy, called Regius. Translated out of French into English. Aristotle