MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages The triall of bastardie: that part of the second part of policie, or maner of gouernement of the realme of England: so termed, spirituall, or ecclesiasticall. Annexed at the end of this treatise, touching the prohibition of marriage, a table of the Leuitical, English, an positiue canon catalogues, their concordance and difference. By William Clerke. William Clerke [Untitled] Deuout contemplations expressed in two and fortie sermons vpon all ye quadragesimall Gospells written in Spanish by Fr. Ch. de Fonseca Englished by. I. M. of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford. Cristóbal de Fonseca The lives of the Othoman kings and emperors: faithfvlly gathered ovt of the best histories, both antient and moderne, and digested into one continuat historie by Richard Knolles. Richard Knolles The lives of the Othoman kings and emperors: faithfvlly gathered ovt of the best histories, both antient and moderne, and digested into one continuat historie by Richard Knolles. Richard Knolles The lives of the Othoman kings and emperors: faithfvlly gathered ovt of the best histories, both antient and moderne, and digested into one continuat historie by Richard Knolles. Richard Knolles [Untitled] The lives of the Othoman kings and emperors: faithfvlly gathered ovt of the best histories, both antient and moderne, and digested into one continuat historie by Richard Knolles. Richard Knolles The lives of the Othoman kings and emperors: faithfvlly gathered ovt of the best histories, both antient and moderne, and digested into one continuat historie by Richard Knolles. Richard Knolles The lives of the Othoman kings and emperors: faithfvlly gathered ovt of the best histories, both antient and moderne, and digested into one continuat historie by Richard Knolles. Richard Knolles