MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages Francisci Mauriceau artium magistri et antiqui præpositi magistrorum chirurgorum Parisiensium Societati, de mulierum prægnantium, parturientium, et puerperarum morbis tractaus, tradens veram optimamque methodum adjuvandi mulieres in partu naturali, & medendi culibet partui contra naturam, morbisque infantium recens-natorum; cum accurata descriptione omnium mulieris partium generationi inservientium; adjunctis multis figuris æri egregie insculptis. Opus chirurgis utilissimum, obstetricibusque omnibus ad obstetricandi artem perfecte discendam valde necessarium. Francois Mauriceau Elenchus motuum nuperorum in Anglia: or, A short historical account of the rise and progress of the late troubles in England. In two parts. Written in Latin by Dr. George Bates, principal physician to K. Charles the I. and K. Charles the II. Motus compositi: or, The histor of the composing the affairs of England by the restauration of K. Charles the Second, and the punishment of the regicides: and other principal occurrents to the year 1669. Written in Latin by Tho. Skinner, M.D. Made English. To which is added a preface by a person of quality, and in the body of th work several choice original papers, an account of which is given in the end of the preface. George Bate Nova & artificiosa methodus docendi linguam Latinam; seu institutio grammaticæ compendiaria, ad puerorum captum summo studio accommodata. John Monro Roma restituta; sive antiquitatum Romanarum compendium absolutum. Ex optimis authoribus in usum studiosæ juventutis collectum, a Thoma Bello philologo Edinburg. Scoto. Thomas Bell [Untitled] Euclidis elementorum libri xv. Breviter demonstrati, opera Is. Barrow, Cantabrigiensis, Coll. Trin. Soc. Euclid Histoire des troubles de Hongrie. Avec le siege de Neuheusei, & une relation exacte du combat de Gran, &c. Enrichie de figures. Avec le journal de la glorieuse conqueste de la ville de Bude, capitale du Royaume d'Hongrie, par les armes victorieuses, de l'Empereur Leopold I. Sous la conduite de Son Altesse Seren. le Duc de Lorraine, & de l'Electuer de Baviere. Contenant Aussi l'histoire de l'etat present du Royaume de la Hongrie. Medulla historiæ Anglicanæ. Being a comprehensive history of the lives and reigns of the monarchs of England, from the time of the invasion thereof by Julius Cæsar, to this present year 1679. With an abstract of the lives of the Roman emperors commanding in Britain, and habits of the ancient Britains. To which is added a list of the names of the Honourable the House of Commons, now sitting, and His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council, &c. William Howell The present state of Genova, with the articles of the treaty of cession to the French king, and an account of the late actions of the French fleet, before it, and of the damages there sustain'd by the bombs and carcasses. To which is added, a letter from the Republick of Genoua to the City of Argiers upon that subject. Gregorio Leti [Untitled]