MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages The generall historie of the Turkes, from the first beginning of that nation to the rising of the Othoman familie: with all the notable expeditions of the Christian princes against them. Together with the liues and conquests of the Othoman kings and emperours faithfullie collected out of the- best histories, both auntient and moderne, and digested into one continuat historie vntill this present yeare 1603: by Richard Knolles Richard Knolles A discourse vpon the meanes of vvel governing and maintaining in good peace, a kingdome, or other principalitie. Divided into three parts, namely, the counsell, the religion, and the policie, vvhich a prince ought to hold and follow. Against Nicholas Machiavel the Florentine. Translated into English by Simon Patericke. Innocent Gentillet A commentarie vpon the Lamentations of Ieremy. Wherein are contained; first, the method and order of euery chapter laid open in seuerall tables; then, a literall interpretation of the text out of the Hebrew, with a paraphrasticall exposition of the sence thereof: afterward, a collection of diuers doctrines, gathered sometimes out of a whole verse in generall, or from the coherence of the text; and somtimes out of the particular words of the same; with examples, now and then, shewing how the same doctrines haue bin verified in experience: moreouer, the reason and proofe of euery doctrine; and lastly, the particulary vses, that are to be made of them, for the edification of the Church of God. John Udall The orator: handling a hundred seuerall discourses, in forme of declamations: some of the arguments being drawne from Titus Liuius and other ancient vvriters, the rest of the authors owne inuention: part of which are of matters happened in our age. Written in French by Alexander Siluayn, and Englished by L.P. Le Sylvain Bassus. Canzonets or litle short aers to fiue and sixe voices. By Thomas Morley gentleman of her Highnesse chappell. Thomas Morley The vse of the two mathematicall instruments, the crosse staffe, (differing from that in common vse with the mariners:) and the Iacobs staffe: set foorth dialogue wise in two briefe and plaine treatises: the one most commodious for the mariner, and all such as are to deale in astronomicall matters: the other, profitable for the surueyor, to take the length, height, depth, or breadth, of any thing measurable. Set forth by Th. Hood. mathematicall lecturer in the citie of London. Newly reviewed, and the second time imprinted. The staues are to be sold in Marke lane, at the house of Francis Cooke. Thomas Hood The high vvay to Heauen by the cleare light of the Gospell cleansed of a number of most dangerous stumbling stones thereinto throwen by Bellarmine and others. In a treatise made vpon the 37. 38. and 39. verses of the 7. of Iohn: wherein is so handled the most sweete and comfortable doctrine of the true vnion and communion of Christ and his Church, and the contrarie is so confuted, as that not onely thereby also summarilie and briefly, and yet plainly all men may learne rightly to receiue the sacrament of Christs blessed bodie and blood, but also how to beleeue and to liue to saluation. And therefore entitled The highway to Heauen. By Thomas Sparke Doctor of Diuinitie. Thomas Sparke A commentarie vpon the whole booke of the Prouerbs of Salomon. The second time perused, much enlarged, and newly published for the ædification of the Church of God. Whereunto is newly added an exposition of a fewe choise and excellent prouerbs scatteringly set downe here and there in the Scriptures. Peter Moffett Dialogorvm sacrorvm libri qvatvor. Avtore Sebastiano Castalione, qvi nvnc postremò opus recógnouit. Argumenta singulis dialogis præposuit & sententias subiecit: ex quibus pueri discant officium: hoc est, quid imitandum sit, auc declinandum. Sebastian Castalio In P. Rami, Regii professoris Clariss. Dialecticæ libros duos lutetiæ anno LXXII. Postremo sine praelectionibus aeditos, explicationum quæstiones: quæ Paedagogiae logicae de docenda discendaque dialectica. Pars Prima. Auctore Frederico Beurhusio Menertzhagensi Scholæ Tremonianæ Prorectore. Friedrich Beurhaus