MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages A postill or collection of moste godly doctrine vpon every gospell through the yeare, as well for holye dayes as Sondayes, dygested in suche order, as they bee appoynted and set forthe in the booke of Common Prayer. Uerye profytable for all curates, parentes, maysters of housholdes, and other gouerners of youth. Antonius Corvinus Articles to be enquyred in the visitacyon, in the fyrst yeare of the raigne of our most dread soueraygne Lady, Elyzabeth by the grace of God, of England Fraunce, and Irelande Quene, defender of the fayth. &c. Anno. 1559. [Untitled] In P. Rami, Regii professoris Clariss. Dialecticæ libros duos lutetiæ anno LXXII. Postremo sine praelectionibus aeditos, explicationum quæstiones: quæ Paedagogiae logicae de docenda discendaque dialectica. Pars Prima. Auctore Frederico Beurhusio Menertzhagensi Scholæ Tremonianæ Prorectore. Friedrich Beurhaus Articles, wherupon it was agreed by the most reuerend father in God the Archbishop of Canterbury, & other the bishops [and] the whole cleargie of the prouince of Canterbury, in the conuocation or synode holden at Westminster by prorogation, in the yeere of our Lorde God, afte the computation of the Church of Englande, one thousande, fiue hundred, seuentie fiue, touchyng thadmission of apt and fytte persons to the ministerie, and thestablishing of good orders in the Churche. Published by the Queenes Maiesties authoritie. [Untitled] Iniunctions geuen by the Quenes Maiestie. Anno Domini. M.L.LIX. [sic] The fyrst yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lady Quene Elizabeth. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis. The vvorks of the pious and profoundly-learned Joseph Mede, B.D. sometime fellow of Christ's Colledge in Cambridge· Corrected and enlarged according to the author's own manuscripts. Joseph Mede The treasure of truth, touching the grounde worke of man his saluation, and chiefest pointes of Christian religion: with a briefe summe of the comfortable doctrine of God his prouidence, comprised in 38. short aphorismes. Written in Latine by Theodore Beza, and newly turned into English, by Iohn Stockwood. Whereunto are added, these godly treatises. One of the learned and godly Father Maister I. Foxe. In the which the chiefest points of the doctrine of God his election, are so plainely set foorth, as the very simplest may easily vnderstand it, and reape great profite thereby. The other of Maister Anthonie Gylbie, wherein the doctrine of God his election and reprobation, is both godly and learnedlie handeled. All newly ouerseene and corrected. Seene and allovved, according to the order appointed. Théodore de Bèze A learned and fruitefull commentarie vpon the Epistle of Iames the Apostle, vvherein are diligently and profitably entreated all such matters and chiefe common places of religion as are touched in the same epistle: written in Latine by the learned clerke Nicholas Hemminge, professour of diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie, and nevvly translated into English by VV.G. Niels Hemmingsen