MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages Iesuitismi pars secunda: puritanopapismi, seu doctrinæ Iesuiticæ aliquot Rationibus ab Ed. Campiano comprehensæ, & à Ioan. Duraeo defensæ, confutatio: et ex ijsdem fundamentis reformatæ nostræ religionis assertio: autore Laurentio Humfredo s. theologiæ in Acad. Oxoniensi professore regio. Laurence Humphrey Animadversiones Joan. Piscatoris Arg. in Dialecticam P. Rami: exemplis sacr. literarum passim illustratæ. Johann Piscator Andreæ Hyperii Compendivm physices Aristoteleæ. Cum locupleto rerum & verborum memorabilium indice. Aristotle. The English academy. A dravvingbook. Containing variety of examples of the external parts of men, women, and childrens bodies; with the shapes of several creatures frequently used amongst heralds, gold-smiths, &c. Likewise the arts of drawing, etching, engraving in coppe and wood, painting and limning: all being carefully performed. Wherein the aforesaid arts are exemplified, with plain and easie directions to guide you to their attainment, with much delight. Also the real method how to wash or colour globes, maps, pictures, landskips, flowers, fruits, birds, beasts, fish and fowl. A vvork worthy acceptation of all those that are friends to art, as, drawers embroiderers stone-cutters carvers goldsmiths needle-workers gum-workers, &c. Performed according to the order of the first and most eminent masters of proportion, viz. P.L. H.G. P.R. H,B. P. L. Responsionis ad Decem illas rationes, quibus fretus Edmundus Campianus certamen Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ ministris obtulit in causa fidei, defensio contra confutationem Ioannis Duræi Scoti, presbyteri, Iesuitæ: authore Guilielmo Whitakero Theologiæ in Academia Cantabrigiensi professore Regio. In hoc libro controuersiæ pleræque omnes, quæ inter nostras & pontificias Ecclesias intercedunt, breuiter ac dilucidè pertractantur. William Whitaker A faithfull and familiar exposition vpon the prayer of our Lorde Iesus Christ, and of the things worthie to be considered vpon the same: written in French, dialogue wise, by Peter Viret, and translated into English, by Iohn Brooke. The summe and order of the dialogues, followeth in the next page. Pierre Viret Qvaestionum et responsionvm Christianarvm libellvs. In quo præcipua Christianæ religionis capita kata epitomiō proponuntur. Theodoro Beza vezelio avctore. Théodore de Bèze The attourneys academy: or, The manner and forme of proceeding practically, vpon any suite, plaint, or action whatsoeuer, in any court of record whatsoeuer, within this kingdome: especially, in the great courts at Westminster, to whose motion all other courts of law or equitie; as well those of the two prouinciall counsailes, those of Guild-Hall London; as those of like cities and townes corporate, and all other of record are diurnally moued: with the moderne and most vsuall fees of the officers and ministers of such courts. Publisht by his Maiesties speciall priuiledge, and intended to the publique benefit of all his subiects. Tho: Powell Londino-Cambrensis. Thomas Powell Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra sive Libri canonici, priscae Judaeorum ecclesiae a Deo traditi, Latini recens ex Hebraeo facti, brevibúsque scholiis illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Junio. Accesserunt libri qui vulgo dicuntur Apocryphi, Latinè redditi & notis quibusdam aucti a Francisco Junio, multo omnes quam ante emendatiùs editi, numeris locisq[ue] citatis omnibus capitum distinctioni quam hæc editio sequitur exactiùs respondentibus: quibus etiam adjunximus novi Testamenti libros ex sermone Græco a Theodoro Beza in Latinum conversos. Canticum evangelicum summam sacri evangelii continens. N. Bradshawe