MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages A frutefull pleasaunt, [and] wittie worke, of the beste state of a publique weale, and of the newe yle, called Vtopia: written in Latine, by the right worthie and famous Syr Thomas More knyght, and translated into Englishe by Raphe Robynson, sometime fellowe of Corpus Christi College in Oxford, and nowe by him at this seconde edition newlie perused and corrected, and also with diuers notes in the margent augmented. Thomas More [Untitled] The third part: of God's gracious operations on mans soul; their difference, and the operations of mans vvill. For the fuller decision of the controversies about effectual and differencing grace. Richard Baxter Anicius Manlius Severinus Boetius, of the consolation of philosophy. In five books. Made English and illustrated with notes, by the Right Honourable Richard Lord Viscount Preston. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius Opus tripartitum de philosophorum arcanis. Videlicet, I. Enarratio methodica trium gebri medicinarum. II. Experimenta de præparatione Mercurij Sophici. III. Vade mecum philosophicum, sive breve manuductorium ad campum sophiæ. Autore, anonymo sub nomine Æyrenæi Philalethes, natu Angli, habitatione cosmopolitæ. A deliberat answere made to a rash offer, which a popish Antichristian catholique, made to a learned protestant (as he saieth) and caused to be publyshed in printe: Anno. Do[mini]. 1575. Wherein the Protestant hath plainly [and] substantially prooued, that the papists that doo nowe call themselues Catholiques are in deed antichristian schismatiks: and that the religious protestants, are in deed the right Catholiques: VVritten by Robert Crowley: in the yeere, 1587. Robert Crowley Palladis tamia. VVits treasury being the second part of Wits common wealth. By Francis Meres Maister of Artes of both Vniuersities. Francis Meres Choice observations and explanations upon the Old Testament. Containing in them many remarkable matters, either not taken notice of, or mistaken by most, which are additionals to the large annotations made by some of the Assembly of Divines. To which are added some further and larger observations of his upon the whole book of Genesis perused and attested by the Reverend Bishop of Armagh, and Mr. Gataker Pastor of Rederith. By the learned and industrious John Richardson, Bishop of Ardagh in Ireland, one who had a considerable hand in the fore-named large annotations. John Richardson V. Cl. D. Ioannis Rainoldi, olim Græcæ linguæ prælectoris in Collegio Corporis Christi apud Oxonienses, orationes duodecim; cum alijs quibusdam opusculis. Adiecta est oratio funebris, in obitu eiusdem, habita à M. Isaaco Wake, oratore publico. John Rainolds [Untitled]