MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages Lexicon geographicum, in quo universi orbis oppida, urbes, regiones, provinciæ, regna, emporia, academiæ, metropoles, fontes, flumina, & maria antiquis recentibusque nominibus appellata, suisque distantiis descripta recensentur; in duas partes divisum: in priori quarum antiqua nomina recentibus, in altera recentia antiquis præponuntur. Opus perquam utile, & necessarium omnibus humaniorum literarum professoribus, historicis, poetis, & antiquariis. Authore Fr. Philippo Ferrario Alexandrino, ordinis servorum, S.T.D. atque in Ticinensi Academia Regio Mathematices professore. Editio nova, multo quam prior accuratior· Adnectitur tabula longitudinis ac latitudinis urbium & oppidorum pertotum terrarum orbem, ex ejusdem Philippi Ferrarii epitome geographica desumpta. Philippus Ferrarius [Untitled] Stanbrigii embryon relimatvm, sev vocabularium metricum olim a Iohanne Stanbrigio digestum, dein â Thoma Newtono aliquantulum repurgatum, nunc verò locupletatum, defæcatum, legitimo nec non rotundo plerumq, carmine exultans, & in maiorem pueritiæ balbutientis vsum vndequaq, accommodatum, extremâ operâ & industriâ Ioh: Brinslæi. John Stanbridge [Untitled] A triple antidote, against certaine very common scandals of this time, which, like infections and epidemicall diseases, haue generally annoyed most sorts of people amongst vs, poisoned also not a few, and diuers waies plagued and afflicted the whole state. By Iohn Tichborne, Doctor of Diuinity, and sometimes fellow of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge. John Tichborne The hammer for the stone : so named, for that it shevveth the most excellent remedie that euer was knowne for the same. Latelie deuised by Walter Cary maister of art, and student in physicke. Walter Cary A briefe ansvver vnto certaine reasons by way of an apologie deliuered to the Right Reuerend Father in God, the L. Bishop of Lincolne, by Mr. Iohn Burges: wherin he laboureth to prooue, that hauing heretofore subscribed foure times, and now refusing (as a thing vnlawfull that he hath notwithstanding done lawfully in both. Written by VVilliam Couell, Doctor in Diuinitie. William Covell A sermon preached at Westminster before the King and Queenes Maiesties, at their coronations on Saint Iames his day, being the 28. of Iuly. 1603. By the Reuerend Father in God, the Lord Bishop of Winchester. Thomas Bilson Poems: vvritten by Wil. Shake-speare. Gent. William Shakespeare Ecphrasis paraphraseos Georgii Buchanani in Psalmos Dauidis: ab Alexandro Iulio Edinburgeno, in adolescentiæ studiosæ gratiam elaborata. George Buchanan