MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages Hispanus conuersus. Fernando de Tejeda An examination of the chief points of Antinomianism, collected out of some lectures lately preached in the church of Antholines parish, London: and now drawn together into a body, and published for the benefit of all that love the holy truth of God, by Thomas Bedford B. D. Vnto which is annexed, an examination of a pamphlet lately published, intituled The compassionate Samaritan, handling the power of the magistrate in the compulsion of conscience: by the same author. Thomas Bedford A short treatise of the combinations, elections, permutations & composition of quantities. Illustrated by several examples, with a new speculation of the differences of the powers of numbers. By Tho. Strode, Gent. Thomas Strode Florilogium phrasic[o]n. Or, a survey of the Latine tongue, according to the elegancy of it's [sic] proper dialect. Necessary for all young students in the same for their better imitation, and practise thereof, either by their voice, or pen. And into severall heades disposed, and collected by Ioh. Huise. Mr. of Arts. John. Huise Jodoci Stimpelii gesicenses J C. Parnassus epithetorum. Singula ravisii, multaque prosodiæ smetii, epitheta vario metro pro studiosis, versus eleganter extempore sine epithetorum quantitatis errore scripturis, inclusa continens. Editio secunda. Præmittitur ejusdem auctoris instructio de vero hujus epithetorum Parnassi usu, [et] intellectu, nec non facillimo versus faciendi modo succinctissima. Jodocus Stimpelius The French schoole-master. VVherin is most plainly shewed the true and perfect way of pronouncing the French tongue, to the furtherance of all those who would gladly learne it. First collected by Mr. C. H. and now newly corrected, amended, and much inlarged with severall quaint proverbes, and other necessary rules, by James Giffard professor of the said tongue. Claudius Hollyband Katadynastēs: might overcoming right· Or a cleer answer to M. John Goodwin's Might and right well met. Wherein is cleared, that the action of the Army in secluding many Parliament men from the place of their discharge of trust, and the imprisoning of some of them, is neither defensible by the rules of solid reason, nor religion. By John Geree M.A. and pastour of Faith's under Pauls in London. Published by authority. John Geree De accentibus Hebraicis breues & perspicuæ regulæ, quæ docent, vt eos addas eodem, quo in Biblijs maioribus ordine notantur aut minoribus Biblijs, quæ punctis & accentibus carent, aut Rabbinorum scriptis, & epistolis Hebraicis quibuscunque. [H]uic adieci analysin grammaticam duorum versuum ca. 61. Iesaiæ prophetæ, vna cum examine accentuum in eisdem versibus secundum regulas sequentes. Et facilem tractatum de inuestigatione thematis vna cum praxi. Authore Guililmo Symsono Scotobritanno. William Simson La dance machabre or Death's duell. By W. C. Walter Colman The svpplication of certaine masse-priests falsely called Catholikes. Directed to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, now this time of Parliament, but scattered in corners, to mooue mal-contents to mutinie. Published with a marginall glosse, and an answer to the libellers reasons againe reuewed and augmented, and by sections applied to the seuerall parts of the supplicatory declamation.