MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages Two petitions of the Lords and Commons to His Majestie, Febr. 2. 1641. With His Maiesties gracious answer: also his Maiesties consent for the Princesse Maries going to Holland, and her Maiesty to accompany her. Together with her Maiesties answer to a message of both houses Catechismus, siue prima institutio, disciplináque pietatis Christianæ, Latinè explicata. Alexander Nowell The seduction of Arthington by Hacket especiallie, with some tokens of his vnfained repentance and submission. Written by the said Henrie Arthington, the third person, in that wofull tragedie. Henry Arthington The manuall of the anatomy or dissection of the body of man, containing the enumeration, and description of the parts of the same, which usually are shewed in the publike anatomicall exercises. Enlarged and more methodically digested into 6. books. By Alexander Read, Doctor of Physick, a fellow of the Physitians College of London, and a brother of the Worshipfull Company of the Barber-Chirurgeons. Alexander Read Philomythie or Philomythologie. wherin outlandish birds, beasts, and fishes, are taught to speake true English plainely. By Tho: Scot Gent. Thomas Scot Two sermons preached by Mr. Henry Smith: with a prayer for the morning thereunto adioyned. And published by a more perfect copie than heeretofore. Henry Smith The exercise of a Christian life, written by G.L. Being the first ground and foundaion [sic], whence the two treatises appertaining to resolution, were made and framed, by R.P. Gaspar de Loarte The good sheepeheardes dutie. By George Phillips. George Phillips A true relation of the birth of three monsters in the city of Namen in Flanders: as also Gods iudgement vpon an vnnaturall sister of the poore womans, mother of these obortiue children, whose house was consumed with fire from heauen, and her selfe swallowed into the earth. All which hapned the 16. of December last. 1608. Foure sermons, lately preached, by Martin Fotherby Doctor in Diuinity, and chaplain vnto the Kings Maiestie. The first at Cambridge, at the Masters Commencement. Iuly 7. anno 1607. The second at Canterbury, at the Lord Archbishops visitation. Septemb. 14. anno 1607. The third at Paules Crosse, vpon the day of our deliuerance from the gun-powder treason. Nouemb. 5. anno 1607. The fourth at the court, before the Kings Maiestie. Nouemb. 15. anno 1607. Whereunto is added, an answere vnto certaine obiections of one vnresolued, as concerning the vse of the Crosse in baptisme: written by him in anno 1604. and now commanded to be published by authoritie. Martin Fotherby