MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages A happy husband: or Directions for a maid to chvse her mate. Together with a wives behaviovr after mariage. Patrick Hannay The nightingale Sheretine and Mariana. A happy husband. Eligies on the death of Queene Anne. Songs and sonnets by Patrick Han[n]ay gent. Patrick Hannay A trve discovery of those treasons of which Geilis Van Ledenberch was a practiser against the Generall States of the vnited Netherland Prouinces ; Through the aduise, and assistance of Iohn van Olden Barneuelt. And for which ( after arraignment, sentence, and iudgement ) execution was done on the dead body of the said Ledenberch, after he had most inhumanly murthered himselfe, through the guiltines, and horror of his conscience. As also a copie of Barneuelts last letter to his wife, and children. Remonstrances made by the Kings Maiesties ambassadour, vnto the French King and the queene his mother, Iune last past, 1615. Concerning the marriages with Spaine; as also certayne diabolicall opinions maintayned by Cardinall Perron, about the deposing and murthering of kings. Together with the French Kings letter to the Prince of Conde, dated the 26. of Iuly last, 1615. and the Prince his answere thereunto. Translated according to the French copie. Propylaion, or An entrance to the Spanish tongue. John Sanford A short and plaine discourse. Fully containing the whole doctrine of euangelicall fastes. By George Buddle, Bachelour of Diuinitie, and parson of Whikkenby in Lincolne-shire. George Buddle The Iesuites play at Lyons in France, as it was there presented. Both to the amazement of the beholders, and the destruction of the actors, in August last past. Credibly informed by a factors letter (who was an eye witnesse) to his right worshipful maister in London. R. S. Loues complaint, for vvant of entertainement. A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the third of December, 1609. By William Holbrooke. William Holbrooke [Untitled] [Untitled]