MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Collection: MS Harley 5927 - Fragments Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 61 pages Usury is injury. Cleared in an examination of its best apologie, alleaged by a countrey minister, out of Doctor Ames, in his Cases of conscience, as a party and patron of that apologie. Both answered here, by Nath: Holmes, Dr. in Divinity. Nathanael Homes Aurifodina linguæ Gallicæ or The gold mine of the French language opened. In a more accurate method, and more exact and certaine rules, and more complying with the most common capacity, then hitherto have ever beene printed in any tongue. By Edmund Gostlin, gent. Edmund Gostlin Catholick charitie: complaining, and maintaining, that Rome is uncharitable to sundry eminent parts of the Catholick Church, and especially to Protestants, and is therefore Uncatholick: and so, a Romish book, called Charitie mistaken, though undertaken by a second, is it selfe a mistaking. By F. Rous. Francis Rous Christs birth misse-timed. Or, A resolution to a question about the time of Christs nativity; evidencing by Scripture, that Jesus Christ was not born in December. By R.S. Robert Skinner The period of the Persian monarchie. VVherein sundry places of Ezra, Nehemiah and Daniel are cleered: extracted, contracted, and englished, much of it out of Doctor Raynolds, by the late learned and godly man William Pemble, of Magdalen Hall in Oxford. Published and enlarged since his death by his friend, Richard Capel. William Pemble An account given to the Parliament by the ministers sent by them to Oxford. In which you have the most remarkable passages which have fallen out in the six moneths service there, divers questions concerning the covenant of grace, justification, &c. are briefly stated. Particularly, there is presented two conferences, in which the ministers together with the truth, have suffered by reproaches and falshoods in print and otherwise. The chief points insisted on in those conferences are, 1. Whether private men might lawfully preach. 2. Whether the ministers of the Church of England were Antichristian. Both which questions were disputed, objections answered, and the truth confirmed. 3. And lastly, divers of M. Erbury's dangerous errours which he broached and maintained, are recited and refuted. Published by authority. Francis Cheynell Ecclesiastes, or, a discourse concerning the gift of preaching as it fals under the rules of art. Shewing the most proper rules and directions, for method, invention, books, expression, whereby a minister may be furnished with such abilities as may make him a workman that needs not to bee ashamed. Very seasonable for these times, wherein the harvest is great, and the skilfull labourers but few. By John VVilkins. M.A. John Wilkins Disce mori. Learne to die. A religious discourse mouing euery Christian man to enter into a serious remembrance of his ende. Wherein also is contained the meane and manner of disposing himselfe to God, before and at the time of his departure. In the whole, somewhat happily may be obserued, necessarie to be thought vpon while we are aliue, and when we are dying to aduise our selues and others. Christopher Sutton The doctrine of the Sabbath· Delivered in the Act at Oxon. anno, 1622. By Dr. Prideaux his Majesties professour for divinity in that Vniversity. And now translated into English for the benefit of the common people. John Prideaux The art of stenography: or, Short-writing, by spelling characterie. Invented by Iohn Willis, Batchelour in Divinity. The tenth edition. Whereunto is now adioyned The schoolemaster to the said art, compleatly fitted for this tenth edition, by the aforesaid author, a little before his death. Invented by Jo. Willis, bachelor in divinitie. John Willis