Beyond Pedagogy and Aesthetics: Werner Pfeiffer's ''Errantry''

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Errantry is an artist book created by Werner Pfeiffer. The book was published in 2008 by Pear Whistle Press located in Red Hook, New York. This copy is the twelfth in a series of 52 signed and numbered copies.


Errantry is housed in the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts located on the fifth and sixth floors of the University of Pennsylvania's Van Pelt-Dietrich Library. The library directly purchased this copy from Pfeiffer. This book challenges the traditional expectations of a book and measures up to the liminality between publications and art. Pfeiffer's work, and that of other artists, add to the debate concerned about the purpose and point of artist books.

Defining Artist Books

There is a constant debate about whether artists' books qualify more as art or as books. Jo Milne, an artist and researcher argues that artist books are "hybrids resistant to definition."[1] Artist books, at times, do not even look like the typical codex. Regardless of this, they are charged with meaning and possibility. Interacting with an artist's book tends to be a sensorial mission guided by carefully chosen materiality.

There are many different formats for the artist book. As mentioned before, not all of them resemble the codex. In fact, there are foldable books, scrolls, series of objects in unison with text, and visual art alongside writing. Because there are many different ways to handle an artist's book depending on the format and approach, the stories (if any) are not always linear. In the case of Errantry, the artist's book is actually a scroll. Because of the navigation style a scroll invites is linear, the materiality of this particular book lends itself to a linear narrative. The visual elements of the project and the intentions behind it add to the discourse in defining artists' books. The materiality and intention of Errantry will be discussed further in another section.

In curating exhibits of Pfeiffer's work, two professors discussed the purpose of Pfeiffer's work and the necessity to highlight the interactivity of textual and visual formats. However, the also had a hard time defining the hybrid in question. Andrea Wollensak, art professor and curator, explains, "Artists' books are books that have been created by artists that explore and experiment and test the definition of what 'book' is...and a lot of them are not books at all." [2]

Werner Pfeiffer as Artist and Author

Pfeiffer emigrated from Southern Germany to Brooklyn, New York in 1961. Soon after, Pfeiffer became an art professor at the Pratt Institute of Brooklyn. Additionally, he became the director of the Pratt Adlib Press, an in-house press at the institute. Pfeiffer's work is political in nature. After several years, Pfeiffer retired from teaching in 2002 to dedicate his time to his own art and his printing press, Pear Whistle Press. His work has been housed and exhibited at many places including, but not limited to, the University of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton, Cornell, and the Shain Library.

As an artist, Pfeiffer has been influenced by other intellectual, artistic, and literary pieces. Furthermore, his own life experiences permeate his work. For example, Pfeiffer's Liber Mobile was inspired by the philosopher Marshall McLuhan. Errantry, on the other hand, was inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's poem Errantry and the woodcut series Triumps of Maximillian, a project commissioned by Roman Emperor Maximilian I.

Many of Pfeiffer's pieces have an underlying political message. This being said, he creates works that one can physically manipulate through their materiality. This materiality allows the reader to be a "co-producer of meaning" with the artist's book. [3]

'Errantry' Collection

This collection has a total of 52 units. The copy at the University of Pennsylvania is the 12th of the series. Several other places have copies of Errantry. Some of the places that also have copies are Princeton, Pratt, MIT, and the Toledo Museum of Art. Each of the units in the collection is similar in making. For example, each of the scrolls is made the same way, housed in an artillery casing, and placed within a hinge chest box. The entirety of the collection was inspired by Kaiser Maximilian's Triumpfzug (English: The Triumphal Procession of Emperor Maximilian). The title of the collections and individual pieces is both the same, and it echoes J.R.R. Tolkien's poem "Errantry" originally written in the early 1930s and published in the 1960s.

'Errantry' Form and Structure

Interestingly, the book is a scroll housed inside an artillery casing. The entire piece is within a chest box.


  1. Milne, Jo. "Artists’ Books as Resistant Transmitters." Arts, vol. 8, no. 4, 2019, pp. 129. ProQuest,, doi:
  2. Angele-Kuehn, Sophia. "The Medium is the Message - Literally - in Werner Pfeiffer's Typography and Artist's Books." UWIRE Text, 4 Mar. 2019, p. 1. Gale OneFile: News, Accessed 3 May 2023.